BEECHWOOD INN 100 YEARS OF GEORGIA’S HOSPITALITY Beechwood Inn was originally built as a private residence in 1916 for Reverend Herman Charles and Lura Bucholz and family. With the passing of her husband in 1922, Lura Bucholz converted their large home into a summer guesthouse, offering boarding to upscale city Read more [...]
All *Places to Eat in Clayton
Mama G’s Italian Restaurant
Dine-In or take out delicious fresh pizza, pasta, gorgeous salads, and premium Italian desserts. Selection of beer and wine coming soon! Business Hours are Tue-Thu 11:30 – 8:00 pm, Fri- Sat 11:30 – 9:00 pm, Sun. 11:30 – 8:00 pm. Located at 7110 441 North Suite B, Dillard, GA 30537. Read more [...]
Bellas Steaks Pasta and More
We are a restaurant that offers a little bit of everything from a meat + two veggies at lunch and steak, seafood, pasta, and pizza. Locals Serving Locals !!!!!!!
Showing *Places to Eat 33-35 of 35