Choices Pregnancy Center “Rabun County”

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Business Category: *ServicesBusiness Tags: abortion, adoption, counceling, pregnancy, and pro-life

More Info
  • Our Center

    Choices Crisis Pregnancy Center is devoted to providing free and confidential services to women and men facing decisions about a potential pregnancy related issue.

    Our private and non-judgmental approach is based on truth, current options.

    Our promise is to offer information and services for as long as the client is in need.

    Our Mission

    Choices Crisis Pregnancy Center is a non-profit, confidential and non-judgmental center that provides life changing and life saving services to women and men regardless of age, race, financial ability or religion.

    Our purpose is to defend and enable the the right to Life for the pre-born. Our goal is to counsel and educate our community about the choices and truth of parenting, Adoptions, Sexual Integrity and the negative effects of abortion. We are committed to offer resources as well as free indefinite counseling with love and gentleness. Our belief is based on Christian integrity and is upheld through obedience to and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Our Goals

    Our top financial goal is to raise funds for an Ultra Sound Machine.
    Free and Confidential services are top priority.

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